It has the same development process that rum but in this case the only difference is the higher percentage of sugar. A quality that makes it thick, sweet and color a little lighter. About 50% of the rum cream liqueur is sugar.
It is made from the beginning of the company but the presentation and trade names have changed over time. Originally he named Frosty Ron wore his sprig of sugarcane in the bottle. Fashion and law ended this format and although the formula is the same and taste virtually unchanged from the 90’s called Ron Cream Liqueur.
The rum was first mentioned in documents from Barbados in 1650. It was called kill-devil or rumbullion (a word Devonshire, England, which means ‘a great tumult’). In the French Caribbean colonies, it was called Guildive (modification of kill-devil) and then tafia, an African or indigenous term. And in 1667 it was called simply Rum. The first official mention of the word Rum appears in an order issued by the Governor-General of Jamaica on 8 july 1668.
Specially designed to give a special date. The bottles of 250 Ml Ron liqueur are filled by hand one by one, they lacran, labeled and are prepared to offer at weddings, baptisms or any other kind of celebration. Besides the gift bottles can be customized in different ways; own labels for each event or a book with name and date that links as detailed by the sealed envelope.
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